Facebook Group Rules
Rules for the group:
What you’d better not post:
1.Anything about politics, religion, porn, sex, race is prohibited.
2.Be polite to others in this group.
3.You may be limited to post or moved out of this group if you violate the rules.
What you can post here:
1.You can post interesting things like pet, weather, joke in this group. We are not limited to our products.
2.We welcome you post usage experience of Aracky products.
3.You can tell us your advice about our website, products, VIP related things here.
Information about our activities:
Aracky is aiming to provide better products for our customers, so we need hear from you. Our purpose of this project is to let our customers test our new products and feedback. So we can improve the product before we release it on market. Your opinions are important for us. For this project:
1.1 Only group members or invited member can join, and only they can get the free sample from Aracky.
1.2 People who get the free sample need to write a product usage experience for us, and please fill your words here.
1.3 You can post your usage experience, product photos or videos in the group. And Aracky will give scores according to your post.
1.4 You can also post anything other (except the topics limited before) in this group, and you will get scores too.
- Rules
2.1 Aracky will provide the sample for free and you do not need to send them back.
2.2 If you decide to test the product, please fill the form, so we can know which product you choose and where we ship it to.
2.3 We have a form for you to submit the usage experience. And please submit your usage in 2 weeks.
2.4 After shipping the product, Aracky will let you know and we will provide the tracking number ASAP. And please let us know you have received the product if it is convenient for you.
3.About the scores
3.1 Your posts about Aracky products, or advice will be awarded with scores:
3.1.1 For general post (irrelated to Aracky products): 1 score/each, up to 1 score a day.
3.1.2 Product usage experience with photos or words: 2 scores/each, up to 6 a day.
3.1.3 Video Reviews: 3 scores/each, up to 9 a day.
3.1.4 Inviting friends to join: 2 scores/each.
3.1.5 The top 3 welcomed posts (according to the engagement) will get extra scores. (Every week.)
3.1.6 The top 3 on referral rank (according to the people you invited) will get extra scores. (Every week)
3.2 What are the uses of the scores?
3.2.1 Aracky will send gifts to top 10 score owners on holidays. For different scores, the gift will be different.
3.2.2 With high scores, you may have an extra chance to get free product from Aracky.
4.Other benefits:
Group members can get a deal with 30% off twice a month.
If you are unable to complete the report in time, please let us know.
If people asked a product, and cannot complete the usage experience report in a month (without contacting us), he or she will be on our blacklist.
6.Aracky reserves all the right for the final explanation.